
Buy Local with our Spring Fling Swine is Fine Sale

Pork steaks on a table

Our customers want locally-sourced meat and are taking a stand against globalization. Quality meat of course is the hallmark of any artisan butcher, and at the Wurst Haus we recognize that our local farms can deliver exceptional quality. Our pork is raised locally in Callaway County from Brinker Farms and processed by Wurstmiester Mike and his staff at the Hermann Wurst Haus. 

When you buy one half or whole pig you are buying the whole thing and not parts like when you buy from the grocery store. Parts are not all created equal.  Go in with other family members or friends, and eliminate buying weekly pig parts that you don’t know where they came from, how they were raised, or how they were cut. Support the local guys, the farmers, meat processors, and the Hermann Wurst Haus. These guys are the experts.

Hermann Wurst Haus, Spring Fling, Swine is Fine Sale – March & April

Whole or half pork from local farmers, raised humanely, cut, wrapped, and frozen to your specifications.

  • Whole order – Average dress weight on a whole order will average about 250 pounds at $1.89/lb.
  • Half order – will be about 125 pounds at $1.99/lb.

Take advantage of this Swine is Fine Sale and fill your family freezer for 6 months to a year. Call now and talk to Wurstmeister Mike or assistant Wurstmeister Patrick to place an order at 573-486-2266.

Put that tax refund check towards a great and tasty rewarding deal for the family!

Offer good in-store only in March and April. 

